Turkish Machinery was in Cemat Fair between 31 May-3 June, 2016 in Hannover. Cemat’s exhibit were in five categories, logistics IT, manage & service, move & lift, empack & label and print, store & load. 28 Turkish companies attended the fair which is held once in 2 years period. Turkey’s Commercial Councellor Ruhi DENİZ and Turkish Machinery Board Member Sevda Kayhan YILMAZ visited Turkish companies at the fair.
Sectoral associations, Association of Manufacturers Union of Vehicles, On-Vehicle Equipments and Work Machine (ARÜSDER), Türkiye Construction Equipment Distributors & Manufacturers Association (İMDER) and Electrical Crane Manufacturers Association (TEVİD) attended the fair in Turkish Machinery’s booth. Materials Handling, Storage & Industrial Equipment Association of Turkey (İSDER) attended the fair in a seperate booth.
Turkish Machinery captured visitors attention by advertisement at shuttles, skyboards and advertising towers. Additionally, flyers including Turkish company’s information were distributed to the visitors.
Sectoral associations, Association of Manufacturers Union of Vehicles, On-Vehicle Equipments and Work Machine (ARÜSDER), Türkiye Construction Equipment Distributors & Manufacturers Association (İMDER) and Electrical Crane Manufacturers Association (TEVİD) attended the fair in Turkish Machinery’s booth. Materials Handling, Storage & Industrial Equipment Association of Turkey (İSDER) attended the fair in a seperate booth.
Turkish Machinery captured visitors attention by advertisement at shuttles, skyboards and advertising towers. Additionally, flyers including Turkish company’s information were distributed to the visitors.