Turkish Machinery is going on its promotional activities in Germany, the most important target market of Turkish machinery sector, with Ligna Fair, organized in woodworking machinery sector between 22-26 May 2017 in Hannover. Woodworking Machinery and Side Industries Businessmen Association (AIMSAD) also took place at the Turkish Machinery booth. 35 Turkish exhibitors attended to the fair, organized every two years.

On 23 May 2017, in cooperation with AIMSAD, reception was organized at the Turkish machinery booth. Besides Consul General of Hannover Banu MALAMAN and Hannover Commercial Attache Ruhi DENİZ, represantatives of Turkish companies and foreign partners partipated in the reception. During the reception, Turkish companies had a chance to meet with their counterparts.

Turkish Machinery with its advertisements at the entrances of the fair and halls, taxi stands and shuttles catched all visitors’ attention.


