Machinery Exporters’ Association (Turkish Machinery) has attended INTERMAT Fair held between 24 and 27th April in Paris with a booth. 1000 companies attended the fair in the field of construction solutions and technology area.
INTERMAT, one of the world's biggest construciton machinery fairs, was followed t from all over the world. INTERAMT was visited by 170,000 visitors. 70 percent of the visitors were from abroad.
Next to homeowner France, European countries like Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Germany and Spain were represented strongly in the fair. China had the most participants after homeowner France.
Visitors showed great interest in the Turkish Machinery Stand. Our stand was also visited by Paris Head Commercial Attache Paris Commercial Attache Gonca KÖKSAL ENSARÄ°. Our barista served coffee to visitors.

Turkish Machinery digital arts were being showed on ligttboxes in the exhibiton area.
INTERMAT, one of the world's biggest construciton machinery fairs, was followed t from all over the world. INTERAMT was visited by 170,000 visitors. 70 percent of the visitors were from abroad.
Next to homeowner France, European countries like Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Germany and Spain were represented strongly in the fair. China had the most participants after homeowner France.
Visitors showed great interest in the Turkish Machinery Stand. Our stand was also visited by Paris Head Commercial Attache Paris Commercial Attache Gonca KÖKSAL ENSARÄ°. Our barista served coffee to visitors.